If you are going to a concert for the first time, you should expect a reasonable amount of safety. There are security guards there to keep you safe – however, you are still in a large crowd, so it is also important to take some precautions.
As a freelance musician, Peter Abbonizio is a huge fan of the music festival and concert scene. Here are his top tips for staying safe at a concert:
- As with any crowded venue, you should always be aware of your surroundings. Security guards are usually at the door looking through people’s bags and checking out the venue, but you never know who is around you.
- Always stay with your group, but do come up with a plan in case you get separated. If one of you has to go to the bathroom, both of you are going.
- Show up with a fully charged phone in case of an emergency. At the very least make sure you have someone’s phone number memorized in case you need to ask someone to use their phone.
- If you are of age to drink, don’t let your beverage out of your sight. Because there are so many people, it is easy for someone to slip something into your drink. Don’t accept drinks or substances from other people.
- Stay away from the mosh pit unless you are prepared to potentially get injured. Try to stay towards the back if you don’t want people pushing you around.
- If someone at the venue is making you feel uncomfortable, let a member of staff know immediately.
- Wear a small over-the-shoulder bag to keep your money and phone in. Don’t keep things in your pockets, as these could easily fall out or be stolen.
- Know where your nearest exit is in case you need to leave.
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