When trying to pick an instrument to learn, it is easy to get overwhelmed with all the different choices. You want to pick something you enjoy, and that is challenging enough without being too difficult for beginners. If you love rock, you’ve probably thought about learning how to play the guitar, or maybe there is a cool bassist you look up to. But is bass guitar actually easier than playing the regular guitar?

Peter Abbonizio is a musician who offers music lessons for beginner level instrumentalists and producers. He currently teaches lessons to beginners on how to play fretted string instruments such as guitar, mandolin, and bass.
A typical bass guitar has four strings (though you can get six-string basses). This may make it sound like it would be easier to play than a six-stringed guitar, but this is not the case. Bass guitar is played way differently than an electric guitar, and requires different knowledge to play. The strings on a bass guitar are also much thicker, so you need to develop your finger strength.
If you are having trouble deciding between the two instruments, you can always take a few introductory classes in each lesson with a teacher who knows how to play both.
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